Loron Hays

Isolation at its finest. Make no mistake about it, I absolutely love The Mystery Spot . Warts and all (due to the limitations of its budget), this original and thought-provoking movie fires on all cyl...
Shot on video and completely off its rocker as it relishes in its super low, low, low budget with early CGI effects thanks to Rob Neep , Blood of the Chupacabras begins with a disclaimer about the ver...
In which Producer Harve Bennett and Director Nicholas Meyer climb aboard the USS Enterprise, adding a revenge element to the classic crew as the consequences of an episode in the original series entit...
They can’t all be winners now can they? Don’t get me wrong. I love the original Star Trek franchise with a passion and Star Trek III: The Search for Spock has a special place in my heart BUT it just d...
Holy chainsaws and creepy crawlies, dudes and dudettes! Pine Hills Summer Camp is open once again! I can think of nothing better to do with your time this Halloween season than spending it with this g...
“Bones, there’s a thing out there.” Perfection in sound and vision looks like this. If you don’t get goosebumps over hearing Jerry Goldsmith ’s epic preamble in the fully restored Director’s Cut of St...
Opening with a disturbing 2-minute sequence in which a barefoot blonde runs for her life through a field of grass, Ash and Bone takes that fresh kill and applies it to everything that follows, proving...
The faux documentary is not dead. At least it’s influence is not. That’s why found footage features continue to exist. They might be cheaper than a traditional film to make, but there is also an earne...
Opening with a fun and blood-fueled gag about vampires getting paid to walk dogs and the consequences of such an action, Down and Out in Vampire Hills makes its intentions clear. This short film is fo...
Sex and gnarly crocodile kills! Who could ask for anything more?! Full of fast and furious B-movie thrills, chills, and spills, CROC! delivers an entertaining ride as wedding crashers arrive with nerv...
If the bizarro opening of Sawed Off doesn’t grab your attention, you just might be dead already. In it, a very naked man cuts through the woods only to have sex with a woman and then find himself look...
Ah, youth and young manhood. This is the lonely hallway writer/director Roberto Doveris ’ Phantom Project wanders as its characters ponder their next moves within the topics of life, art, and friendsh...
Something has been unleashed upon the unsuspecting world! And its bite is beyond deadly! With subterranean horror at its heart, They Crawl Beneath surfaces with a fun throwback horror vibe which just...
“They’re here.” Living in suburbia is HELL in and of itself. There, I said it. It doesn’t help matters at all to learn that your house - no matter how American it may seem - is built on top of a cemet...
Beginning with a pixelated Atari-like Universal logo, complete with the familiar sounding bleeps and squawks from that gaming system as it blips out the usually orchestrated Universal Studios theme mu...