Dark AssetDark Asset - New Movie Trailer

“Serve your country, and eliminate the threat."

Synopsis: In this adrenaline-fueled action film, an ordinary soldier becomes the subject of a top-secret experimental program.
Release Date: September 22, 2023 (Theaters, VOD and On Demand)
Director: Michael Winnick
Writer: Michael Winnick
Cast: Byron Mann, Robert Patrick, Helena Mattsson

Dark Asset

In this adrenaline-fueled action film, an ordinary soldier becomes the subject of a top-secret experimental program. Check out the trailer for Dark Asset below.

Under the guise of enhancing his combat abilities, the program transforms him into a lethal living weapon. As the John Doe delves deeper into the project, he uncovers the horrifying truth behind the program's objectives and the dark intentions of his creator.


"In this adrenaline-fueled action film, an ordinary soldier becomes the subject of a top-secret experimental program"


Fueled by a thirst for justice and driven by a desire for vengeance, the soldier breaks free from his captors and embarks on a relentless mission to dismantle the program while navigating a dangerous web of betrayal, conspiracy, and high-stakes action.

Here's a look at the exciting new trailer for Dark Asset:


Dark Asset


 And here's the one-sheet poster for Dark Asset:

Dark Asset

Dark Asset has not been rated by the MPAA.