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Cat people! Trees that kill! Fauna that feels! Butterflies that bite! And monsters galore! The Blood Island Collection has arrived with matinee mania most foul . . . and TASTELESS!
There are a large number of film fans flocking toward the putrid and the lurid horror film. Some of them even read the reviews I write. Interestingly enough, though, there is a growing number of those said fans becoming more and more interested in exploitation titles released during the height of Filipino Cinema. Good thing then, because their demanding tastes for these sick titles – full of weird mating dances, lots of topless women, blood feasts, and often shitty day-for-night cinematography – are immediately rewarded with Severin Films’ latest collection of the absurd: The Blood Island Collection.
This is a four-movie collection of fully restored blu-ray titles (in 4K!!!) that, just like the mad doctors amuck in each of these amazingly rotten films, takes no prisoners. They are exploitative and extremely sick, asking some pointedly sharp questions about man’s responsibility toward his creations . . . no matter how foul they are. The point is that these titles make for one hell of a sick and twisted good (and groovy) time at the movies.
It should be noted then that, as of the writing of this review, this entertaining collection of FOUR FILMS – including the wonderfully smart first film, Terror is a Man – is close to being completely sold out. And, trust me, for a damn good reason. Beginning with Filipino director Eddie Romero’s cult smash film, 1959’s Terror is a Man, the set is destined to DISTURB.
Starring Francis Lederer, Greta Thyssen, and Richard Derr, Terror is a Man spins its transformative tale, eventually making a huge amount of money at the drive-ins across America, not unlike H.G. Welles’ Island of Dr. Moreau. We have a rogue scientist on a forgotten island doing God knows what to its inhabitants. Case in point, he is currently transforming a panther into a human and, yes, with limited practical effects, the results look damn atrocious; however, there are enough risks taken with the material for it to remain damn effective. After all, can you ever tame the savage in the beast . . . or, in this case, the human? This film, important as it provided Romero the revenue to revitalize Filipino Cinema (getting the attention of Roger Corman) is a certifiable killer cult classic.
The Blood Island trilogy begins with 1968’s pulpy Brides of Blood, a trashy funhouse title full of enough sex and blood to shame even Satan himself. Shot cheaply, this lurid title reigns supreme when it comes to fleshy limbs and blood boiling scenes of monster mania, thanks to man-eating plants and animals. You see, this island has been exposes to an alarming amount of radioactivity: even the banana trees want human flesh – even little babies aren’t safe. {googleads}
Marketed for kids thanks to its tropical beats and flavors, the beastly horror film drips with an amazing amount of weird sexual tension. We have a rape early on and a whole lot of leering looks at that ladies. Could that also be the radiation? Ask Carla (Beverly Hills), who climbs in bed with a man-monster and eagerly reaches for his throbbing and hairy. . .
In 1969’s follow-up, Mad Doctor of Blood Island, fans are in for a real treat: porn star Angelique Pettyjohn (also known for her Star Trek fame) takes on a mutated monster full of chlorophyll and agony. This time, though, thanks to an increase in practical effects, the film delivers one hell of a horrible-looking mutation in the creation of the Chlorophyll Monster. Hell, it stays on camera long enough for everyone to get an eye-full of its rotting beauty. And, thanks to the stunning 4K remastering, nothing is lost in HD. The bloodletting stops with the final film in the series, 1970’s Beast of Blood, the film which brings audiences the finale in the wacky story of Dr. Bill Foster (John Ashley) and the mad Dr. Lorca. This time, there is a head of a monster being kept alive. And it is up to Ashley, who gets it on with two girls this time, to put an end to the weirdness that is Blood Island.
Directed by the infamous Eddie Romero and filmed on shoestring budgets, the films in this set satisfy those who know what they are getting into. They are poorly dubbed, full of cheap effects, ugly monsters, and balance out their overuse of gore with boobies on display from the natives on up. Yet, for all their faults, there is a strong atmosphere running through them which makes them memorable and downright remarkable.
Thanks to the efforts of Severin Films, The Blood Island Collection – now presented in all its uncensored and full-frontal gruesome glory – can be seen again. Relive those memories, Drive-In aficionados! There be MANY monsters here!
[tab title="Blu-ray Review"]
Blu-ray Details:
Home Video Distributor: Severin Films
Available on Blu-ray - November 13, 2018
Screen Formats: 1.85:1
Subtitles: English SDH
Audio: English: DTS-HD Master Audio 2.0
Discs: Blu-ray Disc; five disc set
Region Encoding: Locked to Region A
Severin Films, using new 4K transfers from the original film elements, presents each of these four films with a crisp new picture. Their NEW 1080p tones and levels are punctuated by the pop of color in a seriously impressive manner. The new 4K scans utilized here are impressive and soak up the colors and inky blacks quiet well. Shadows go deep and colors – especially reds and greens – pop like few other restorations. While the films are cheap productions, using natural light as much as possible, the films look almost brand new again. Clothing fibers are detailed and backgrounds are crisp. Lines are strong, too. Skin tones are perfectly natural throughout and contrast, as well as its DTS-HD Mono audio track, is super clean, tight, and uber groovy. Black levels are solid and colors are bold. There are also lots of details to enjoy while you watch.
See Special Features for individual titles and their content.
Special Features:
These films are presented on blu-ray for the very first time. If you don’t get your copy soon, it may be too late.
Terror is a Man Special Features:
- Man Becomes Creature: Interview with Hemisphere Marketing Consultant Samuel M. Sherman
- Dawn of Blood Island: Interview with Co-Director Eddie Romero
- Terror Creature: Interview with Pete Tombs, Co-Author of “Immoral Tales”
- When the Bell Rings: Interview with Critic Mark Holcomb
- Trailer
- Poster & Still Gallery
- Reversible BLOOD CREATURE Cover
Brides of Blood Special Features:
- Audio Commentary with Hemisphere Marketing Consultant Samuel M. Sherman
- Jungle Fury: Archival Interview with Co-Director Eddie Romero
- Here Comes the Bride: Interview with Hemisphere Marketing Consultant Samuel M. Sherman
- Beverly Hills on Blood Island: Interview with Actress Beverly Powers a.k.a. Beverly Hills
- Alternate BRIDES OF BLOOD ISLAND Title Sequence and JUNGLE FURY Title Card
- Teaser Trailer
- Trailer
- Poster & Still Gallery
Mad Doctor of Blood Island Special Features:
- Audio Commentary with Horror Film Historians Nathaniel Thompson and Howard S. Berger
- Audio Commentary with Hemisphere Marketing Consultant Samuel M. Sherman
- Tombs of the Living Dead: Interview with Pete Tombs, Co-Author of “Immoral Tales”
- A Taste of Blood: Interview with Critic Mark Holcomb
- The Mad Doctor of Blood Island: Archival Interview with Co-Director Eddie Romero
- Trailer
- Poster & Still Gallery
- Bonus Disc: Original Motion Picture Soundtrack CD (in box set only)
- Reversible TOMB OF THE LIVING DEAD Cover
Beast of Blood (Available ONLY in Box Set) Special Features:
- Audio Commentary with Hemisphere Marketing Consultant Samuel M. Sherman
- Celeste and the Beast: An Interview with Celeste Yarnall
- Dr. Lorca’s Blood Devils: Interview with Actor Eddie Garcia
- Super 8 Digest Version
- Trailer
- Poster & Still Gallery
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