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Her sex tape started it all!  Meet the face behind the thrusts of . . . oh, well, nevermind!

REALITY QUEEN!, a new comedy in the tradition of Best in Show and A Mighty Wind, and inspired by today’s obsession with reality TV and social media stars, opens today in select cities.  Thanks to its lampooning of everything from DJ culture to pet ownership, the comedy regularly lands all its body blows with its tongue planted squarely in its cheek. 

"the comedy regularly lands all its body blows with its tongue planted squarely in its cheek"


And that might be because America, as a nation of pop culture consumers and Twitter followers, is becoming more and more stupid with every passing minute plugged in to all things marketed as reality-based.  While the film might not always be the freshest in its puns, it is pretty damn funny and if we can't laugh at ourselves, well, then we can laugh at those who are in the spotlight.

Writer/director Steven Jay Bernheim’s mockumentary involves a Paris Hilton-esque heiress named "London" Logo (Julia Faye West) who is struggling to regain fame after being pushed out of the limelight by three Kardashian-type sisters named "The Kims." London's life is a self-indulgent maelstrom of product endorsements, talent managers, pet psychics, private jets, fashion shows, yachts, and a celebrity posse and she goes about her Clueless-like life.  And, yes, she is as empty-headed as she is busty.  {Googleads}

From candid interviews with her masturbating stalker to London’s book being discussed by her parents, London’s own unawareness as to how vapid she actually is makes this comedy work while it tackles to the ground our celebrity-obsessed culture.  Gags and puns are piled on the film’s audience with almost every line she utters.  While The Kims, especially Kristy (Candace Kita), continue to taunt her with their big asses and their increasing popularity, she’s determined to beat them at their own games . . . but she's going to need some help.  

Despite her wackiness, she ultimately makes it back to the top of the heap with a gerbil named PeePee (which she thinks is a dog) in her hand.  Co-starring Denise Richards, Mike Tyson, the late John Witherspoon, and Kate Orsini the renowned BBC journalist Diana Smeltmarlin who chronicles this mockumentary.  REALITY QUEEN!

We are all getting dumber.  The proof is in who we worship on television and who we put in office.  And, thanks to the takedowns in this mockumentary, this parody of America’s infatuation with all things flossy, flossy feels timely and constantly charged, never running low on energy and the gags.  

The gloves are coming . . . on!  REALITY QUEEN!, from High Octane Pictures, arrives in theaters, On Demand and on DVD January 10!

4/5 stars


[tab title="Blu-ray Review"]



Blu-ray Details:

Home Video Distributor:
Available on Blu-ray

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MPAA Rating: Unrated.
84 mins
: Steven Jay Bernheim
Steven Jay Bernheim
Julia Faye West, Denise Richards, Mike Tyson
: Comedy
Is London a marketing genius, or is she simply the accidental beneficiary of an overwhelmingly ignorant American public?
Memorable Movie Quote: "And this is Pee Pee's doghouse. He's a micro-chihuahua."
High Octane Pictures
Official Site:
Release Date:
January 10, 2020
DVD/Blu-ray Release Date:

Synopsis: In the tradition of Best in Show and A Mighty Wind, and inspired by today’s obsession with reality TV and social media stars, writer-director Steven Jay Bernheim’s clever mockumentary fixes on a Paris Hilton-esque heiress named "London" (newcomer Julia Faye West) who is struggling to regain fame after being pushed out of the limelight by three Kardashian-type sisters named "The Kims." London's life is a self-indulgent maelstrom of product endorsements, talent managers, pet psychics, private jets, fashion shows, yachts, and a celebrity posse. Despite her wackiness, she ultimately makes it back to the top of the heap. This parody of America's infatuation with fame raises the question: are these celebs-for-no-reason marketing geniuses, or are they just the accidental beneficiaries of the American public's stupidity?



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