Loron Hays

Paranoia reigns supreme in The Burial ! Molly is all about being a part of a team. Even if that means going to a remote cabin next to an abandoned coal mine when her boyfriend, Brian, receives a phone...
When was the last time a werewolf film gave you the chills? Exactly. Well, prepare yourselves then because Wolf Garden has arrived and it is ready to leave you howling at the moon with its moody, atmo...
SHE’S BAAAAAACCCCCKKKKKK! There’s a creepy book in a bin down in the basement. It’s called the Book of Souls and, if you look closely at it, you can actually see a woman’s face on the cover. Is it fle...
There’s something inside Mikey James ( Mykel Shannon Jenkins, The Paper Tigers ) that is holding him back in everything he does. He’s tired of hiding; tired of just waiting; and he’s not willing to co...
Can you say identity crisis? Many don’t know this fun fact, but the creator of James Bond, author Ian Fleming, really wanted a dull name for his hero. He didn’t want it to be glamorous at all, which i...
The Welder starts with an absolute atmospheric bang as a flashback to a traumatic event for Eliza ( Camila Rodríguez ), a young Latina woman, has her sleepwalking in the rain. The scene is full of emo...
It’s been written that, “the woods are lovely, dark and deep” but are they really? After watching the opening 10 minutes of Guts On The Chainsaw (with narration from Robert Stone ), you’ll be question...
Sometimes the perfect home is not worth its cost. This rings true in the unsettling events of Black Balsam , a moody slice of American pride and paranoia. It’s cold. It’s haunting. And, thanks to the...
Sometimes, after years of abuse, it takes someone new to show you THE WAY OUT , even if that road is not as it seems at all. Stay for the end, dear readers, because this thriller is full of surprises...
The introduction to this low budget feast tells us all we need to know . . . “ The great virus started in 2019. In the first 2 years almost 5 million people died worldwide. In 2022 a new strain hit an...
“Are you telling me that I’m just words on a page?” Who needs stage direction when you can’t even agree on the names of your characters?! Welcome to the freewheeling antics of Murder, Anyone? Where ev...
Exploitation vigilantism never kicked so hard as it does here in the second installment of the Death Wish series. Newly remastered thanks to the efforts of Vinegar Syndrome and MGM , Death Wish II can...
It’s Groundhog Day! Ready to relive this magical day over and over again?! Well, Phil Conners ( Bill Murray ) might not be ready to do it, but you certainly will. Revisiting the highlights of director...
Opening with a strong montage - with a charismatic voiceover from Worcester's Anthony Molinari (who plays Vince) - which explains how new laws making cannabis legal in California have made it difficul...
The fever dream is real! Filmed on location deep in the woods of Northwestern Pennsylvania. The Long Dark Trail takes its graphic novel inspirations to heart and brings audiences face to face with a s...