Christopher Symonds

To celebrate the release of the Indiana Jones series on blu ray, we offer a four part retrospective article series honouring one of the most beloved franchises in film history...
Every reviewer, film fanatic, or even general movie watcher has one: the holy grail of movies; that flick that just thrilled you beyond words and never lost its impact, no matter how often you see it....
It’s hard to conceive in this era of remake-itus that some re-dos in the history of cinema go on to become classics in their own right. For genre fans, John Carpenter’s The Thing is often cited as a p...
It will be interesting in a decade or two from now to see just how this era of film will be viewed, especially when it comes to originality. Nothing really is sacred, so it’s anyone’s guess what remak...
Disney’s 20 th animated classic has the distinction of being the last film Walt himself approved for production, and the first made after his death. It was the first Disney film of the 1970s, and some...
The Eighties provided us with a very fertile era of genre product. Adventure, Action, Science Fiction, and Horror alike—it was just a magic time when a slew of very talented filmmakers gave us a glut...
To celebrate the culmination of Christopher Nolan’s Batman trilogy, we will revisit all the Batman films leading up to the release of The Dark Knight Rises. After the sour taste Batman and Robin left...
To celebrate the culmination of Christopher Nolan’s Batman trilogy, we will revisit all the Batman films leading up to the release of The Dark Knight Rises. THE SCHUMACHER ERA (1995-1997) It was with...
The Grey, reuniting Neeson with his A-Team director Joe Carnahan (who asked him after fellow A-Team star, Bradley Cooper, dropped out), has appealed to many since it was released early this year, but...
To celebrate the culmination of Christopher Nolan’s Batman trilogy, we will revisit all the Batman films leading up to the release of The Dark Knight Rises. THE BURTON ERA (1989-1992). There are two p...
Bela Legosi was to Dracula as Harrison Ford is Indiana Jones to modern audiences. He so indelibly brought Bram Stoker’s count to life that whenever the world’s most famous vampire was mentioned, every...
It’s hard to believe, but someone had to drag my ass to this movie back in 1998. I thought it was just another romantic comedy—something I’m just not fond of ever—and I have never been more emphatical...
Found footage films have primarily been outpouring from the horror genre, since The Blair Witch Project showed the film biz they could make a pretty penny; some to great success, most to a weary sigh....
Now this is how it’s done! Back in 2008, when we were being prepped for Iron Man , the fledgling Marvel Studios told us that this was the beginning of a grand odyssey; one that would ensnare multiple...
John Carpenter’s remake of a revered 1950s B-Movie became even more revered than the film it honoured. It was a masterpiece in paranoia, tension, and deftly showed our shortcomings as a species, and h...