Christopher Symonds

It is no understatement that the superhero genre has reached a level of output that has long since past saturation. It seems barely a few weeks go by without another costumed character gracing our scr...
Remakes! They are now a studio staple, with every studio head and producer uttering that terrible commercially driven mantra: existing IP! It rarely produces anything but a watered-down retelling of a...
Every now and then competing studios find themselves making and releasing the same sort of product around the same time. In 1998, Touchstone Pictures ( Disney ) and Paramount went head-to-head with as...
The anti-hero, the McGuffin, the duplicitous femme fatale, film noir, German expressionism seeping its way into western film—these things have influenced our movies for longer than this reviewer’s fat...
A few years back, I got to write a long form article about the Superman films, so if you’re looking for a deep dive then please check out: ‘ Superman On the Big Screen: Parts 1-4 ’ . For this new UHD...
Well here we are! The final selection of Star Trek movies to enter the UHD format that began with upscaled (but impressive) scans of ‘the Kelvin Timeline’. Paramount have (thankfully) not done the pie...
Marvel Studios already pulled off an unrivalled run of more than twenty films to reach the awesome crescendo of Avengers: Endgame . And although almost everything that has come after has left this rev...
Tis hard to believe in this century that the name Peter Jackson wasn’t known to that many in the mid- 90s. Film nuts like myself were aware of him, devouring the likes of Bad Taste and Meet the Feeble...
At the turn of last century the superhero genre was on the cusp of a major elevation in output. Despite Batman and Robin crashing and burning that franchise, films like Blade , X-Men and Spider-man we...
When a film, not particularly well-liked at the time by critics, goes on to earn back four times its budget, there had to be something to it. Road House is the go-to for many Gen-Xers (myself included...
There is nothing more alluring to me for a night at the movies than a good old-fashioned man versus beast tale. My favourite film has always been Spielberg ’s Jaws and forever will be. Even the most i...
Back in the early nineties, Kevin Costner was at the zenith of his cinematic reach. With the likes of Bull Durham , The Untouchables and his Oscar-winning Dances with Wolves under his belt already, th...
It seems impossible that there was any year where I didn’t see Chevy Chase litter his house with enough Christmas lights to be seen from space. But I was in fact fourteen when this now Christmas stapl...
What a month! Not only did I get to extol the virtues of The Lost Boys on UHD this Halloween, but what should arrive in the mail but Tom Holland ’s equally classic 1985 vampire flick, Fright Night . T...
1989 would see the last of a trilogy of films that Halloween fans now dub The Thorn Trilogy. This would be the last Halloween film to feature the character of Jamie Lloyd (not played by Danielle Harri...