Christopher Symonds

This one flew under the radar for this reviewer, but by all accounts did good business at the box office. Looking at the cover it appeared the The Intern was a rehash of Anne Hathaway’s shtick from Th...
I cannot imagine the pressure JJ Abrams must have felt putting this film together. Again, after a decade of waiting, the anticipation for the next chapter in the Star Wars saga, had reached new height...
I stopped doubting Marvel’s ambitious or, some would argue, arrogant insistence their multi-film magnum opus would succeed after seeing the first Avengers film. That was just a masterpiece of big budg...
Hyperbole in this century is rampant. Every second nitwit is a hero; the latest doohickie will ‘change the world’. Drives this reviewer nuts. So when I say that this film undoes a great injustice and...
The 80s just pumped out classic after classic. They took risks back then. They gave us some of the most memorable genre pictures in cinematic history. This was the decade of new horror icons galore, o...
It seems that Marvel Studios can do no wrong, doesn’t it? I mean they bravely come out swinging a few years ago with a roster of characters that the average movie goer doesn’t know, and interweave a m...
The 80s were certainly the era for sequels galore and drew a road map for how Hollywood would produce movies into the future. The franchises spawned, by and large, in that era still exist today. One o...
‘Top’ lists are an unending phenomenon that spawn articles in magazines, books, TV shows, fan sites, and, in the world of movies, unending discussion/debate on which ones make the cut. As a young movi...
1984 was quite the year for movies. Goonies, Gremlins, Splash, Police Academy, The Karate Kid, Indiana Jones and Temple of Doom, Footloose, Beverly Hills Cop, and the third Star Trek all hit cinemas t...
That one sentence often accompanies many reviews, lists, and assessments about Darryl F. Zanuck’s 1962 epic, honouring of D-Day. Before it had even rolled a frame of film, this film was in trouble. 20...
Alfred Hitchcock has many classics under his none-too-skinny belt, but arguably none are as universally beloved as the 1954 thriller Rear Window. Based on the short story by writer Cornell Woolrich ca...
In 1922 a naughty fledgling German production company stole the story of Dracula by Bram Stoker and made one of cinema’s most revered horror movies: Nosferatu. Prana Film went bankrupt with their firs...
The story of the 47 Ronin is by all accounts the most famous story of samurai in the history of Japan. Many plays, books, films have apparently been dedicated to the true story of 47 samurai who would...
Bryan Singer made quite the name for himself back in 2000 when he released the first X-Men movie. Leaving them behind to have a go at resurrecting Superman, it was left to directors Brett Ratner and M...
It is an ever growing cynical world we live in today, and even the best of us, with the pace of life, sometime forget to look at those around us. In those forgotten there are the meek, the quiet, the...