Tim Sentz

Melissa McCarthy has had a bit of a rocky career since her breakthrough, Oscar-nominated performance in Bridesmaids back in 2011. While being riotously funny, the roles that showcase her natural talen...
We all knew this wasn’t going to be good. The 2015 remake of the 1982 horror classic is for the most part, a waste of time. Unnecessary comes to mind. Back in the 1980s, Steven Spielberg was hot prope...
I’ve never been impressed by Woody Allen. Personal life aside, I find most of his movies to be dramatically too dialogue heavy, and his situations presented to the characters to be morally objectionab...
Stephen Daldry has spent the last decade or so racking up Oscar nominations for his overly Oscar baiting dramas. He surrounds himself with talented casts who have secured multiple nominations. To date...
Seven years. It’s been seven long years since the Bluth family has been heard from. In those seven years, the United States - hell - the WORLD, has changed. I jumped on the Arrested Development bandwa...
Perhaps it’s a little bit unfair to review a film that’s already quite adored by the public. On the one hand, anyone who has not seen Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind must be an anti-indie film s...
For the last week we’ve spent three individual articles exploring the history of Quentin Tarantino - his highs and lows, his techniques, trademarks - and now we explore his most recent film to be rele...
If one needed to sum up who Quentin Tarantino was in one word, I think the best one would be “pioneer.” He ushered in a new wave of film that is replicated over and over again, ad nauseum, until the e...
If one needed to sum up who Quentin Tarantino was in one word, I think the best one would be “pioneer.” He ushered in a new wave of film that is replicated over and over again, ad nauseum, until the e...
If one needed to sum up who Quentin Tarantino was in one word, I think the best one would be “pioneer.” He ushered in a new wave of film that is replicated over and over again, ad nauseum, until the e...
Andrew Dominick has a history with making movies like this. Back in 2007 he penned the screenplay The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford , a movie as long as it's title, that on pa...
I was in the theater set to watch the Viggo Mortensen crime drama A History of Violence back in the late summer of 2005. In that theater in a warm September afternoon I saw the first trailer for Broke...
In the 1980s, DC Comics took their tales of Batman to new heights. Years before Tim Burton took the helm as director of Batman (1989), Frank Miller and Alan Moore took the Dark Knight to new heights a...
The first thing you need to understand about Skyfall is that it's nothing like any of the other James Bond films you've seen. One of the grand things about Bond films is the variety of directors who a...

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