Christopher Symonds

Bela Legosi was to Dracula as Harrison Ford is Indiana Jones to modern audiences. He so indelibly brought Bram Stoker’s count to life that whenever the world’s most famous vampire was mentioned, every...
It’s hard to believe, but someone had to drag my ass to this movie back in 1998. I thought it was just another romantic comedy—something I’m just not fond of ever—and I have never been more emphatical...
Found footage films have primarily been outpouring from the horror genre, since The Blair Witch Project showed the film biz they could make a pretty penny; some to great success, most to a weary sigh....
Now this is how it’s done! Back in 2008, when we were being prepped for Iron Man , the fledgling Marvel Studios told us that this was the beginning of a grand odyssey; one that would ensnare multiple...
John Carpenter’s remake of a revered 1950s B-Movie became even more revered than the film it honoured. It was a masterpiece in paranoia, tension, and deftly showed our shortcomings as a species, and h...
One of the few genres of film that this reviewer has never been able to stomach too easily is the romantic comedy. Not because he doesn’t like to see people fall in love, then misstep, find their way...
Man, where does the time go? American Pie , the sleeper hit of 1999, is now thirteen years old! The last theatrical instalment, American Wedding, will celebrate its tenth anniversary next year. With H...
Ask any everyday law abiding person what they would do to a person who harmed or sexually abused their child, and I’m sure you would hear multitudes of graphic responses somewhat out of character. ‘I...
Time was when the mention of a double act with Eddie Murphy and Ben Stiller would have had this reviewer racing for the nearest cinema. They are two of the most indelible and successful comedians the...
John le Carré has one of the most critically lauded spy writers in the world for many decades, and, now in his eighties, continues a regular and popular output of novels for the world to devour. The r...
When this reviewer was a small boy, another young boy said something nasty after only just meeting him, and it stuck in his memory for the rest of his life. Why this boy stuck in my memory is because...
Twenty years after the days of Captain Kirk, Bones, and Mr Spock, Gene Roddenberry was invited by Paramount to create a new Star Trek show; something to which he had little interest in doing. His orig...
Take an ‘it’ director, hot off the heels of a major franchise success, and high concept idea with a punchy title (Cowboys Versus Aliens! Magic!) that promises a new hybrid of a film, an epic cast with...
Supposedly, this remake was targeted as a fun film for a horny 17 year old boy to kick back and enjoy; a down and dirty exploitation horror flick that unabashedly panders to the wants of that particul...
As a ravenous consumer of all things horror, I have seen the frightening, I have seen the exhilarating, I have seen the okay, the passable, and even the so bad its good; and every now and then I have...